Reduce Patient Backlog with a Mobile CT 

Whether your facility is expanding, undergoing renovations, or facing technical challenges with its CT system, patient backlog can be a significant threat to efficiency, reputation and ultimately your revenue. 

In this blog, we’ll talk about patient backlog, its impact, and the essential role a Mobile CT can help in prevention, or in the worst-case scenario, after it’s already been a problem.

Understanding Patient Backlog:

Patient backlog is a common term in radiology, marked by delays in providing important services that could prevent physicians/doctors in diagnosing their patient timely and accurately. Construction problems, technical glitches, or design delays with existing CT systems can contribute to this issue, creating a ripple effect of consequences.

Why Patient Backlog Matters:

Nobody enjoys waiting, especially when it’s medically related. Beyond the inconvenience, patient backlog can damage the reputation of healthcare facilities. It can easily lead to revenue loss, missed appointments from delays, decreased patient satisfaction, and potential client loss.

The Consequences of Waiting Times:

  • Patient Dissatisfaction: Long waits lead to frustration, influencing patient loyalty.

  • Resource Allocation: Managing backlog strains resources and impacts finances.

  • Impact on Patient Outcomes: Timely access to imaging is critical for prompt treatment.

  • Operational Efficiency: Prolonged waits disrupt facility operations.

  • Reputation Management: Backlogs tarnish a facility's reputation.

Preventing Patient Backlog with Mobile CT Solutions:

The Benefits of Mobile Imaging:

  • Rapid Deployment: Mobile units can arrive within a week, sometimes in days (3-10 business days) depending on availability and distance between you and the available units. 

  • Cost-Effective: Mobile solutions scale imaging capacity without significant upfront costs.

  • Flexibility: Mobile units offer high quality, up-to-date technology, tailored to specific needs.

  • Patient-Centered: Mobile imaging prioritizes patient convenience, reducing wait times.

  • Temporary or Permanent: Facilities can choose temporary or permanent mobile unit use. Customers sometimes decide to extend short-term leases into longer-term 1 or 2-years, and sometimes the facility decides to purchase the unit outright to reduce the long-term cost of a rental. Check out our “Rent to Own” program for more details!

Renting a Mobile CT:

Renting offers a flexible and immediate solution, easily integrating into existing infrastructure. This option is ideal for temporary needs during renovations, testing market demands, serving a large number of patients in a limited time window and still ensuring a continuous flow of diagnostic services without disruption.

Buying or Owning a Mobile CT:

For facilities with a more permanent need, owning a Mobile CT brings stability and control. This strategic investment not only prevents patient backlog but establishes your facility as reliable and efficient, with autonomy over patient flow. Especially with the rising needs on CT service provided on route between multiple locations, more so than CT and MRI. This could easily be a beneficial investment for owners as they can also lease out the Mobile and still generate revenue. 


After learning about patient backlog and how Mobile CT can help reduce the issue. If you’re ready, Medco Blue is here to help, although we are located in the Midwest (Ohio), we have Mobile CT units available for rent and buy nationwide, including Canada and Mexico. Leave us a message or email us at to set up tailored quotes just for you!

Get a quote today on buying or renting a Mobile CT:

Call (216) 600-0801 or email us at