Siemens Biograph 64 PET/CT

Siemens Biograph 64 PET/CT
About the Siemens Biograph 64 PET/CT Scanner
Medco Blue can quote your health facility with a refurbished or used Siemens Biograph 64 PET/CT scanner, including installation, calibration, applications training, and service. Below you will find general information and specs related to the Siemens Biograph 64. We look forward to the opportunity to quote you this PET/CT scanner. Contact us at 216-600-0801 and today.
Product Description:
The Siemens Biograph 64 PET/CT is an innovative hybrid system that combines Positron Emission Tomography (PET) with the fastest Computed Tomography by Siemens, the 64 slice CT system Somatom 64. This scanner offers a wide range of customized performance options to enhance image resolution and quality, improve patient satisfaction as well as throughput. With a compact footprint, low system weight, 64 slices, each as thin as a credit card, the Biograph 64 can be used to study and evaluate all parts of a patient’s body. The short acquisition times of the Biograph 64 enable motion-free, detailed images of the heart. By combining both modalities into one step, the system is especially suitable for cardiovascular applications.
System Features:
- Syngo Acquisition Workplace and MI Workplace
- 70 cm gantry aperture and unique reinforced cantilever designs
- Maximum patient weight of 204 kg (450 lbs)
- STRATON® X-ray tube with z-Sharp Technology
- Pico-3D ultra fast electronics for decreased dead time and high signal-to-noise
- Three-dimensional display of organs with a large axial view
- 50 cm scan field of view in all scan modes
- Slice thickness: 1,1.25,2,3,5,6,8 and 10mm, Spiral CT, and Dynamic
- Significant x-ray dose reduction (up to 65 %) possible for all body regions
- Easy-to-use scan protocols
- Intercom with user-programmable patient instruction system
- Truepoint PET Detectors
- LSO crystals
- Exclusive bed design and wide bore
- Biograph PHS Assembly
- PET Syngo
- Image Analysis
- DICOM Print
- DICOM Send
- Network Connectivity
- CD Writer
- 19 in. LCD Flat Screen Monitors
- HV Transformer
- High Speed
- Cardiac Speed .37
- Care DOSE
- CARE Bolus
- 3D SSD
- CAP 3D Volume
- Extended FOV
- Image Fusion Basic
- Fusion LM
- Fusion Autoreg
- Volume Rendering
- CAP3D Editor
- Create visually sharper images incorporating point spread function (PSF)
- Fast PET Workflow Al
- Creation of Auto Ranges and Auto Data Export
- TrueV extended PET field of view
- Additional PET detector ring enabling faster scans or lower injected dose
- Multiparametric PET Suite AI
- Adds the metabolic rate and distribution volume to the standard SUV image without the need for an invasive measurement
- iMAR
- Iterative algorithm for metal artifact reduction
- CT iterative reconstruction to reduce dose and maintain image quality
- QualityGuard
- Uses intrinsic radioactive properties of Lutetium present on LSO detectors to automatically calibrate itself
- OncoFreeze™ / OncoFreeze AI
- Motion management without extending scan time and, if preferred, without the need for a gating device
- Time of flight
- Up to 2x improvements in signal to noise and image contrast
- FlowMotion AI
- Personalize scans based on anatomy and standardize imaging protocols based on indication
- Whole-body dynamic imaging
- Routine whole-body dynamic imaging enable by FlowMotion™ continuous bed motion
- Neurology
- Oncology
- Whole-Body
- Bore diameter: 78 cm
- Tunnel length: 136 cm
- Table capacity: 227 kg (500 lb)
- Patented PET Detector Assembly Biograph 16, 40, 64
- Detector material Lutetium Oxyorthosilicate (LSO)
- Crystal size: 4 x 4 x 20 mm
- Crystals per detector block 169
- Number of detector blocks 144 (192 with TrueV option)
- Photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) 4 per block
- Detector ring diameter 842 mm
- Detectors per ring 624
- Number of detector rings 39 (52 with TrueV option)
- Total number of detectors 24336 (32448 with TrueV option)
- Transaxial FOV 605 mm
- Axial FOV 162 mm (216 with TrueV option)
- Number of image planes 81(109 with TrueV option)
- Plane spacing 2 mm
- Time of flight performance: 540 ps
- PET Data Acquisition/Processing Biograph 6, 40, 64
- Coincidence time resolution 500 psec
- Coincidence window 4.5 nsec
- Acquisition mode Static, multibed (dynamic, gated optional)
- Scatter fraction <38% @435 keV LLD
- Scatter correction TrueC Single scatter simulation
- PET Performance1 Biograph 6, 40, 64
- Count rate peak NECR 96 kcps@35 kBq/cc (165 kcps@32 kBq/cc with TrueV option)
- Sensitivity 4.2 cps/kBq @ 435 keV (7.6 with TrueV option)
- Energy resolution <14%
- Uniformity ≤5% variation
- PET Resolution Specifications 1 Biograph 6, 40, 64 HI-REZ Option HD•PET Option2
- Transaxial resolution (NEMA 2001) Average resolution
- FWHM @ 1 cm 5.9 mm 4.2 mm FWHM @ 1 cm 2.0 mm
- FWHM @ 10 cm 6.0 mm 4.8 mm FWHM @ 10 cm 2.0 mm
- Axial resolution (NEMA 2001) FWHM @ 20 cm 2.1mm
- FWHM @ 1 cm 5.5 mm 4.7 mm FWHM @ 28 cm 2.4 mm
- FWHM @ 10 cm 6.0 mm 5.7 mm
Contact us today to get a quote on a refurbished or used Siemens Biograph 64 PET/CT scanner. Call us at 216-600-0801 or email us at
Manufacturer | Siemens |
Model | Biograph 64 |
Condition | Used |